Tonight I watched an old 1947 Gregory Peck movie called "Gentleman's Agreement", about a writer pretending to be Jewish for a few weeks to learn the bigotry of Anti-Semitism. He was personally and deeply moved to learn that the problem wasn't just about those who are openly aggressive, but hatred was fed mostly by those who kept silent in fear of rocking the boat.
It gave me the answer to my question of why Californian's continue year after year to elect the same type of people regardless of the meltdown of corruption, immorality, degradation and family breakdowns we have slid deeper into. And often those aligned with Christian principles will vote completely against their own or don't vote at all.
Most will agree discrimination of any sort, whether race, gender, age, culture is despicable, but don't see the lack of intervention as equally terrible.
Yes, Jews faced extermination throughout the ages just as Africans were subjected to slavery around the world, where women and children still are today. In our civilized America we don't see the disgusting similarity and reality that women have been given the legal right of ownership to destroy their own children before the first breath.
So the silence continues, and the majority who is against these practices are either unwilling or unable to open their mouths making their voices heard. And even if faced with peer pressure, America's safe due process called the secret ballot let's us keep our vote private.
But alas, even that's not enough to stir the complacency of California voters, especially Christians to follow the command to take care of the least of these. Another election cycle went by, with California candidates openly in favor of using State taxpayers money to pay for more abortions, then offering school books and plaques honoring more sexual preferences.
It's time each of us took a stand away from the money producing Ads and actually do the research, ask questions and vote by conscience not just comfort.
Olga Hermann
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Common Sense Parenting
Christmas is the best time to spend with families, getting know one another more and encourage each other to keep going and growing in beneficial directions.
Which leads me to a story I read on Christmas about a single mom who was so frustrated with her 14 year old son's addiction to video games, specifically Grand Theft Auto, that in the middle of the night she finally called the police to get him away from it.
What is wrong with this picture? Well for starters since when did minors get equal rights in their parents homes? America's laws enforce a parents legal responsibility for the welfare of the child. And a boy who can't go to sleep because of his computer addiction is heading towards crisis.
The double jeopardy is that the particular game Grand Theft Auto, is based on illegal activity including theft, mass murder, prostitution and rape. Mom's first mistake was allowing her minor son unlimited access to a computer, regardless how he got it. The second is allowing him to keep any material deemed threatening in her home regardless if it's in his room. It should have hit the garbage can on Day 1.
Most likely Mom called the police because her son's behavior was now threatening her. When our children feed on violence, we can't be surprised when they act that violence out.
Recently I read a documentation on two girls from India raised by wolves, who walked and ran on all fours, ate, drank and snarled as wolves. Their entire behavior had become wolf-like since they were the only role models these children had. It took years to adapt to the most basic human social skills on the lowest level, up to their time of death.
The point in this social phenomena is that children learn the necessary behavioral skills early which sets them for life. And whatever they are exposed to for long periods, is what determines their patterns for growth.
If parents keep their heads in the sand refusing to see evil for what it is, because they themselves are conditioned to trust the entertainment and marketing industries; they willfully set their families up for a lifetime of pain, dysfunction and possible jail time, destroying the future benefits of a healthy and safe family life with their children and grandchildren.
We are what we eat! The Bible says "Train a child in the way he should go and he'll never depart from it". American parents may have become unwilling accomplices to the criminal behaviors of their own children because they're too afraid to do the right thing even though it may be hard at the time.
It's every parents responsibility to make sure our children are safe even if it means searching their rooms, begin this when they are very young. If something worries you, most likely there is a reason. Discuss things with your child, be understanding. Let them know your concern and why you need to take it away. Always tell them you love them, and your goal is to protect them. If the items are questionable, remove it but get advice from other parents who have well adjusted children.
Support groups for parents are always good, and the best places to find these are at a local church with childrens programs where they can learn how to value others together.
There are many predators in the world today, and in many forms. Parents need to be as diligent as hens surrounded by a world of wolfs. Don't allow the big bad wolf into your homes, even when he comes pretending to be as innocent as Grandma.
Have a bright New Year to you and yours!
Olga Hermann
Which leads me to a story I read on Christmas about a single mom who was so frustrated with her 14 year old son's addiction to video games, specifically Grand Theft Auto, that in the middle of the night she finally called the police to get him away from it.
What is wrong with this picture? Well for starters since when did minors get equal rights in their parents homes? America's laws enforce a parents legal responsibility for the welfare of the child. And a boy who can't go to sleep because of his computer addiction is heading towards crisis.
The double jeopardy is that the particular game Grand Theft Auto, is based on illegal activity including theft, mass murder, prostitution and rape. Mom's first mistake was allowing her minor son unlimited access to a computer, regardless how he got it. The second is allowing him to keep any material deemed threatening in her home regardless if it's in his room. It should have hit the garbage can on Day 1.
Most likely Mom called the police because her son's behavior was now threatening her. When our children feed on violence, we can't be surprised when they act that violence out.
Recently I read a documentation on two girls from India raised by wolves, who walked and ran on all fours, ate, drank and snarled as wolves. Their entire behavior had become wolf-like since they were the only role models these children had. It took years to adapt to the most basic human social skills on the lowest level, up to their time of death.
The point in this social phenomena is that children learn the necessary behavioral skills early which sets them for life. And whatever they are exposed to for long periods, is what determines their patterns for growth.
If parents keep their heads in the sand refusing to see evil for what it is, because they themselves are conditioned to trust the entertainment and marketing industries; they willfully set their families up for a lifetime of pain, dysfunction and possible jail time, destroying the future benefits of a healthy and safe family life with their children and grandchildren.
We are what we eat! The Bible says "Train a child in the way he should go and he'll never depart from it". American parents may have become unwilling accomplices to the criminal behaviors of their own children because they're too afraid to do the right thing even though it may be hard at the time.
It's every parents responsibility to make sure our children are safe even if it means searching their rooms, begin this when they are very young. If something worries you, most likely there is a reason. Discuss things with your child, be understanding. Let them know your concern and why you need to take it away. Always tell them you love them, and your goal is to protect them. If the items are questionable, remove it but get advice from other parents who have well adjusted children.
Support groups for parents are always good, and the best places to find these are at a local church with childrens programs where they can learn how to value others together.
There are many predators in the world today, and in many forms. Parents need to be as diligent as hens surrounded by a world of wolfs. Don't allow the big bad wolf into your homes, even when he comes pretending to be as innocent as Grandma.
Have a bright New Year to you and yours!
Olga Hermann
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Atheisms Oxymoron?
Recently I heard a comment by popular TV host Bill Maher, calling over 60% of Americans stupid, because of our belief in Creation according to God's 6000 year old word in Genesis of the Bible. Rather than the believe in a 150 year old unproven theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin.
Certainly much debate has gone on about this topic especially after our good friends at the ACLU pushed for the Scopes Monkey Trials in 1925. This led to allowing American schools to teach Darwin's theory along with every public school's mandated biblical curriculum.
My, my, my, how things have changed. Less than 100 years have gone by and today the oldest book on earth, the Bible, which was originally our Nations most valued school text book is not even allowed to be mentioned even for historical or literary value.
But my main point here, is that Mr. Maher's opinion of stupidity seems like an oxymoron and here is why:
I am one of the over 60% of those in the Creation category, who like many others have a personal relationship with my Creator. Which allows me to know that I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I am created in the image of God.
So wouldn't it be more stupid for the majority of Americans who say their Father is God, to believe those who say their father was an ape?
Olga Hermann
Certainly much debate has gone on about this topic especially after our good friends at the ACLU pushed for the Scopes Monkey Trials in 1925. This led to allowing American schools to teach Darwin's theory along with every public school's mandated biblical curriculum.
My, my, my, how things have changed. Less than 100 years have gone by and today the oldest book on earth, the Bible, which was originally our Nations most valued school text book is not even allowed to be mentioned even for historical or literary value.
But my main point here, is that Mr. Maher's opinion of stupidity seems like an oxymoron and here is why:
I am one of the over 60% of those in the Creation category, who like many others have a personal relationship with my Creator. Which allows me to know that I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I am created in the image of God.
So wouldn't it be more stupid for the majority of Americans who say their Father is God, to believe those who say their father was an ape?
Olga Hermann
Thursday, July 2, 2009
EXCLUSIVE: Taliban buying children for suicide bombers
WASHINGTON TIMES By Sara A. Carter (Contact) Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The End of Christiandom? (Video Here)
Things seem to have quieted down a bit, but we may just be in the eye of the storm. This is a good time to regroup, get our ducks lined up and prepare to weather out the coming storm.
The American people may of headed toward a greater change than we even realize through the last election cycle. In spite of how things seem we are evolving and changing for the better. From sleepy and star stunned, a generation drunk in spoon fed media blitz, we are once again beginning to use our brains and actually think.
The biggest sign of this, for once the majority of us agree that killing babies inside and outside of the womb is not only cruel but also sheer stupidity. After killing 50 million of our citizens we now live with an influx of foreigners, many of them uninvited. Unlike citizens who would have joined our armies to defend us and paid into our tax, healthcare and Social Security systems, foreigners have sent US dollars home to take care of their families to defend their properties and countries.
Many of those who write our modern laws, still believe that population control of killing our weakest is neccessary to save a dime today. But they failed to see the bigger picture forty years ago and still today. And that has always been that children are a nations greatest assett, not a liability. In trying to control America's birth rate to avoid becoming a third world nation, we've imported the third world to America. But ironically it may be the Latino community who will be our rescuers despite our great national sin.
Our law makers also fail to understand that children aren't the cause of starvation. But greed, selfishness and corruption are.
Please view this video, to see Europes dilemna coming to the US, thanks to the wisdom of Abortion:
Olga Hermann
The American people may of headed toward a greater change than we even realize through the last election cycle. In spite of how things seem we are evolving and changing for the better. From sleepy and star stunned, a generation drunk in spoon fed media blitz, we are once again beginning to use our brains and actually think.
The biggest sign of this, for once the majority of us agree that killing babies inside and outside of the womb is not only cruel but also sheer stupidity. After killing 50 million of our citizens we now live with an influx of foreigners, many of them uninvited. Unlike citizens who would have joined our armies to defend us and paid into our tax, healthcare and Social Security systems, foreigners have sent US dollars home to take care of their families to defend their properties and countries.
Many of those who write our modern laws, still believe that population control of killing our weakest is neccessary to save a dime today. But they failed to see the bigger picture forty years ago and still today. And that has always been that children are a nations greatest assett, not a liability. In trying to control America's birth rate to avoid becoming a third world nation, we've imported the third world to America. But ironically it may be the Latino community who will be our rescuers despite our great national sin.
Our law makers also fail to understand that children aren't the cause of starvation. But greed, selfishness and corruption are.
Please view this video, to see Europes dilemna coming to the US, thanks to the wisdom of Abortion:
Olga Hermann
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Big Bully ISRAEL!
Sunday, February 15, 2009

They Laugh While We Cry
by Team Huck PAC
This photo was taken after the House passed the $787 Billion Stimulus Bill.
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Stimulus Package Social Engineering
As of Feb. 4, 2009, according to the Rasmussen Poll, only 37% of Americans supported having their money spent by people who are out of touch with Mainstreet America. We the people still haven't gotten answers on why Gasoline more than doubled for just a few months before the elections and then went back down, but not before thousands of businesses were destroyed, escalating the fast forward spiralling down of our economy.
On another note, President Obama's first act as President last month was to reverse the Mexico City Policy that banned US Federal funding to be used on overseas Abortions. So now with money in hand our Congress can send a helping hand to our over the border neighbors to kill their babies.
A provision in the Stimulus Package is to increase Euthanasia in the US targeting our elders, by following Adolf Hitler's footsteps, but in the name of "Compassion" like having your old dog put down. Since our elders have already paid their dues and pay minimal taxes, Euthanasia makes economic sense. However, this is extremely dangerous ground and will back fire on the American people who want to snuff out dear old Mom and Dad, because God's fifth Commandment says "Honor your father and mother, so you will have long life". Exodus 20.
Can we continue to say we believe in God, and worship Jesus His son, but continually break His most fundamental commandments having murdered 50 million young, by claiming them non-human and now our old, telling ourselves it's because we are compassionate? Can we stand before God on judgment day and say we didn't know? The Laws of Nature prove consistent that "We Reap what we Sow" as individuals and as a nation.
When we look at Mexico's violent drug wars right now, perhaps there is a correlation to it's escalation at the same time the Mexican government has for the first time decriminalized Abortion (how convenient that America has pledged the funding).
We may not believe the spiritual connection, but again God says, Choose Life, so that you and your children will live. Deuteronomy 30:19. Should we keep ignoring His warnings in the Bible which throughout history have ended with tragic results?
It seems that a major factor in the Stimulus Package plan, is to destroy those who can't produce to leave more for the rest of us, but when we sow death, we will always reap sorrow.
Olga Hermann
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