They Laugh While We Cry
by Team Huck PAC
This photo was taken after the House passed the $787 Billion Stimulus Bill.
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Stimulus Package Social Engineering
As of Feb. 4, 2009, according to the Rasmussen Poll, only 37% of Americans supported having their money spent by people who are out of touch with Mainstreet America. We the people still haven't gotten answers on why Gasoline more than doubled for just a few months before the elections and then went back down, but not before thousands of businesses were destroyed, escalating the fast forward spiralling down of our economy.
On another note, President Obama's first act as President last month was to reverse the Mexico City Policy that banned US Federal funding to be used on overseas Abortions. So now with money in hand our Congress can send a helping hand to our over the border neighbors to kill their babies.
A provision in the Stimulus Package is to increase Euthanasia in the US targeting our elders, by following Adolf Hitler's footsteps, but in the name of "Compassion" like having your old dog put down. Since our elders have already paid their dues and pay minimal taxes, Euthanasia makes economic sense. However, this is extremely dangerous ground and will back fire on the American people who want to snuff out dear old Mom and Dad, because God's fifth Commandment says "Honor your father and mother, so you will have long life". Exodus 20.
Can we continue to say we believe in God, and worship Jesus His son, but continually break His most fundamental commandments having murdered 50 million young, by claiming them non-human and now our old, telling ourselves it's because we are compassionate? Can we stand before God on judgment day and say we didn't know? The Laws of Nature prove consistent that "We Reap what we Sow" as individuals and as a nation.
When we look at Mexico's violent drug wars right now, perhaps there is a correlation to it's escalation at the same time the Mexican government has for the first time decriminalized Abortion (how convenient that America has pledged the funding).
We may not believe the spiritual connection, but again God says, Choose Life, so that you and your children will live. Deuteronomy 30:19. Should we keep ignoring His warnings in the Bible which throughout history have ended with tragic results?
It seems that a major factor in the Stimulus Package plan, is to destroy those who can't produce to leave more for the rest of us, but when we sow death, we will always reap sorrow.
Olga Hermann
1 comment:
Hey! I found your blog through the HuckPac Blogroll.
I'm glad you are informing Americans about this terrible bill that sadly passed...
Keep it up!
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