Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I was a Democrat when I first became a Christian....

and was proud of it..... But then on the following Presidential election I heard a Pastor on TV say, "if you are a Christian you cannot vote for someone who believes in aborting babies". This really upset me and I began to seek the Lord and ask Him how He felt about this.

Well when you ask God a question, be prepared for an answer. I heard a stern voice rumble through my very being that asked, "Who are you to be their judge, jury and executioner?".

It shook me up badly, because I knew that was right and it had to be God. So from that day forward I began to research those who made and kept Laws allowing the death of babies and those who did not.

To my surprise, almost all of the Democratic choices were basing their Election victories on the right to kill children.....

Now I had to see it for what is was and I have learned that the Pastor was right. When we vote for leaders who have the power to keep this death machine going, we become accessories to murder, and will be held accountable along with them when each one of us faces our Maker.

And in this natural life, the Laws of Nature and of God, are always that we reap what we sow. It's no wonder, that our society, is so filled with sickness, disease and broken families. And no matter how much we pray, it won't help us, until we stop the killing, because our hands are full of innocent blood.

Choose LIFE so that you and your children will live. Deut. VOTE FOR LIFE!!!

Olga Hermann

1 comment:

Andrew Biddinger said...

Hey, great blog!!
We must stand for America and conservatism. Go Mike also!!
Check out my blog.