Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The End of Christiandom? (Video Here)

Things seem to have quieted down a bit, but we may just be in the eye of the storm. This is a good time to regroup, get our ducks lined up and prepare to weather out the coming storm.

The American people may of headed toward a greater change than we even realize through the last election cycle. In spite of how things seem we are evolving and changing for the better. From sleepy and star stunned, a generation drunk in spoon fed media blitz, we are once again beginning to use our brains and actually think.

The biggest sign of this, for once the majority of us agree that killing babies inside and outside of the womb is not only cruel but also sheer stupidity. After killing 50 million of our citizens we now live with an influx of foreigners, many of them uninvited. Unlike citizens who would have joined our armies to defend us and paid into our tax, healthcare and Social Security systems, foreigners have sent US dollars home to take care of their families to defend their properties and countries.

Many of those who write our modern laws, still believe that population control of killing our weakest is neccessary to save a dime today. But they failed to see the bigger picture forty years ago and still today. And that has always been that children are a nations greatest assett, not a liability. In trying to control America's birth rate to avoid becoming a third world nation, we've imported the third world to America. But ironically it may be the Latino community who will be our rescuers despite our great national sin.

Our law makers also fail to understand that children aren't the cause of starvation. But greed, selfishness and corruption are.

Please view this video, to see Europes dilemna coming to the US, thanks to the wisdom of Abortion:

Olga Hermann

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Big Bully ISRAEL!

The tiny orange sliver in the middle is the aggressive occupier Israel, who's been scheming since 1948 to take over the Arab world.
Keep Dreaming! A picture says a thousand words.