Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hi Everyone,
I would like to apologize for being down right angry through most of this election, by taking it all so personally. Governor Huckabee always says that he’s a Conservative but not angry about it, so I’ll take a lesson from him.
The top of the list for me has been the babies that have died and will continue to do so, especially if Senator Obama does what he said he would do and reverse Pro-Life decisions including the barbaric Partial Birth Abortion Act. For the children’s sake and his sake when he stands before his Maker, I certainly hope and pray he will not carry out that order for wholesale slaughter.
While people danced on the streets believing they’d won perceived rights, I wept for their future children whose civil rights are daily being snuffed out. But I have to admit that anger overwhelmed me and this morning I began reading the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus said pray for your enemies and forgive them, so I was able to do that and gained peace.
However, I will continue to be a sounding gong and a clamoring cymbal like many of you, to the real "Least of These" that Senator Obama kept talking about, but hasn’t been able to see. I remember the days I also didn't see, and my prayer is that the Lord will open his eyes to their precious little faces. If we only stopped funding population control organizations like PP and used the money to set up classes and support for real Family Planning to keep parents together, and Safe Houses, training and child care for single working mothers.
I raised 4 children who are my reward here on earth and I know every child is a wanted child, if only America would again see that a Human life is the most valuable investment we have. Certainly, out of the almost 50 million Americans we’ve destroyed, many would be Pastors, Politicians, Doctors, Scientists, Soldiers, Policeman, Fireman, Gardeners, Builders, Writers, Artists, Service Workers, etc. Perhaps if they hadn't died, several may have already found cures for Cancer and other diseases. Perhaps a few were destined to be future Presidents and Governors, bringing about compassionate change.
I'll wrap this up by saying that I was blaming men like Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama, for their hearts bent on killing children. But after looking at this more objectively, I realize that God always gives us according to our choices, and on Tuesday the majority of America chose to place her children on the Altar of Sacrifice in exchange for a man’s promises.
With that said, I am grateful for the fact that I know there is a God, and in the end of man’s rule, the Bible says God will wipe away every tear from those who choose to love Him and overcome sin, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, for the former things will pass away. I hope that promise encourages you too.

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